


Handwriting is an essential skill for children that have to build into their daily habits as we cannot ignore one as they progressively grow. It is the springboard of success both in school and further in college because it has a positive impact on their grades.
Parenting Tips

Especially in this digital age, where children are learning to tap, swipe, and touch screens before how to hold a pencil. It will be to their academic advantage if they get to understand the significance and the importance of penmanship. The skills of writing neatly and efficiently get often taken as hallmarks of success, good behavior, and self-esteem.
1. Good handwriting is a habit for which seeds of its intentions sown as early as when a child attempts to hold a pencil. Good Handwriting and its practice, implementation in the classrooms are gradually losing its academic importance. 
2. Copywriting books recommended, according to grades, is today no longer a practice followed by school administrators. Jotting down in notebooks the facts and information, taking the dictated notes allotted by the teachers were disappearing as significant learning tools from the classrooms. Teachers today are no longer given any refresher training to upgrade their understanding of the writing skills and helping them to understand the significance if handwriting skills and how to provide the guidance and feedback to the children – related to handwriting culture.
3. Writing by hand has a beneficial correlation to the healthiness of the brain functioning. Writing by hand engages both body and mind and thus make writing a disciplined worthy activity. A practical, disciplined focus on maintaining neat well-formed handwriting helps align the mind and body that allows multiple advantages to the child both in academic performance and self-controlled personality. Parents have to know the clear advantages of better handwriting skills.
4. Bad handwriting is linked to low confidence levels, less academic focus, and lack of interest in accomplishing anything well. Children with poor handwriting will find hard to proofread their written notes. And during the examinations, this situation causes to score poorly in examinations. Good handwriting leads to better grades. It is a standard tendency for the examiners to form an initial impression by examining the handwriting first and content next.
5. In classrooms, handwriting is crucial for writing notes; note taking important aspects clarified by the class teachers. Taking notes by hand in legible, well-formed handwriting improves attention, comprehension, and grades.
6. A good handwriting skill helps the students in their job opportunities. Good writing skill speaks about the personality of an individual and makes it more noticeable to a prospective employer. It assures the employer indirectly to decipher the personality traits by one look at a handwritten resume. Parents if you wish your child to succeed tag on how he is maintaining his handwriting well into his adulthood.
7. Good handwriting is one skill that assures achievement at wherever one works and also guarantees discipline and self-assurance in life.


Salesforce to get Tableau for $ 15.3 billion

Salesforce to get Tableau for $ 15.3 billion

The deal is expected to close in the third quarter, after which it will operate independently
Seattle-based Tableau has more than 86,000 customers, including heavy technology companies such as Verizon Communications Inc. and Netflix Inc. Inc. on Monday decided to buy the large data company Tableau Software Inc for $ 15.3 billion, the largest acquisition in the company's history, looking to provide more insights to its customers.

Seattle-based Tableau has more than 86,000 customers, including heavy technology companies such as Verizon Communications Inc. and Netflix Inc.

As part of the overall deal, Tableau shareholders will receive 1.103 shares of Salesforce, valuing the offer at $ 177.88 per share, representing a 42% premium to the Friday closing price at Tableau.
Salesforce comes a few days after Alphabet Inc. bought Looker for a $ 2.6 billion, $ 5.9 billion Looker, which was paid by peer-based software firm Microsoft Software Corp. to buy the software maker in 2018.

"The acquisition accelerates the Salesforce road map for their 360 customer initiative, which helps companies get a full view of their customers and on a broader scale at their analytics initiative," said Steve Quinig, analyst at Wadbush Securities.


Cloud Computing History | Key Characteristics of Cloud Services | Cloud Services | Authors | Company | Founders

Cloud Computing Arc

Cloud Computing

1960àJohn Mc Carthy, Douglas Parklid
And other explored idea of computing as a public utility.
1959,Christopher Strachey published paper
          “Time sharing in Large Fast Computers”
1960à IBM
1974àGerald popek and Robert
          “Formal Requirements of virtualizable Third Generation Architectures”
1960à J C R Lickicler ARPANET
1998àgoogle search engine
1999à by Marc Benioff
          CRM SAAS and Open souce.
2003-Google file system
2006-AWS s3
2009-OPenstack Object Storage
2012-AWS s3 (reached one trillion object stored)
Key Characteristics of  Cloud Services:-
àon demand self services
àbroad network access
àResource pooling
àRapid Elasticity
àMeasured Service
Cloud Services:-
1.SAAS(end users)àSoftware as a service
          Google docs
2.PAAS(developers)àplatform as a service

          Zpp engine
3.IAAS(sys admins)àinfrastructure as a service

          Go grid

The Top 5 Cloud-Computing Vendors 1 Microsoft | 2 Amazon | 3 IBM | 4 Salesforce | 5 SAP

CLOUD WARS -- As businesses move beyond cloud experiments to deeply strategic deployments, the balance of power in the Cloud Wars Top 10 is shifting toward those tech providers that can move those business customers past the infrastructure phase and into the high-value realm of AI-driven competitive advantage.
While the vast majority of media attention in the cloud's early days has gone to the top providers of public-cloud IaaS—Amazon Web Services, Microsoft and Google—the next and vitally more strategic theater in the Cloud Wars will be software, particularly around the booming potential for AI, Machine Learning and Blockchain.

As a result, my latest Cloud Wars Top 10 rankings reveal some major changes at or near the top of this list of the world's most-powerful and most-influential cloud-computing vendors:
#1 Microsoft remains an absolute lock at the top due to four factors: its deep involvement at all three layers of the cloud (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS); its unmatched commitment to developing and helping customers deploy AI, ML and Blockchain in innovative production environments; its market-leading cloud revenue, which I estimate at about $16.7 billion for the trailing 12 months (not to be confused with the forward-projected $20.4 billion annualized run rate the company released on Oct. 26); and the extraordinary vision and leadership of CEO Satya Nadella.
#2 Amazon might not have the end-to-end software chops of the others in the Top 5 but it was and continues to be the poster-child for the cloud-computing movement: the first-moving paradigm-buster and category creator. I believe Amazon will make some big moves to bolster its position in software, and no matter how you slice it, the $16 billion in trailing-12-month cloud revenue from AWS is awfully impressive.
#3 IBM has leapfrogged both (formerly tied with Amazon for #2 and now in the #4 spot) and SAP (formerly #4) on the strength of its un-trendy but highly successful emphasis on transforming its vast array of software expertise and technology from the on-premises world to the cloud. In so doing, IBM has quietly created a $15.8-billion cloud business (again on trailing-12-month basis) that includes revenue of $7 billion from helping big global corporations convert legacy systems to cloud or cloud-enabled environments. And like #1 Microsoft, IBM plays in all three layers of the cloud—IaaS, PaaS and SaaS—which is hugely important for the elite cloud vendors because it allows them to give customers more choices, more seamless integration, better cybersecurity, and more reasons for third-party developers to rally to the IBM Cloud. Plus, its relentless pairing of "cloud and cognitive" is an excellent approach toward weaving AI and ML deeply into customer-facing solutions.
#4 falls a couple of spots from its long-time tie with Amazon at #2 but—and this will be the case as long as founder Marc Benioff is CEO—remains a powerful source of digital innovation and disruptive strategy. However, to remain in the rarified air near the top of the Cloud Wars Top 10, Benioff and Salesforce must find a way to extend their market impact beyond their enormously successful SaaS business and become more of a high-impact player in the platform or PaaS space. At this stage, it's simply not possible for Salesforce to become a player in IaaS, so Benioff needs to crank up the genius machine and hammer his way into top contention as a platform powerhouse.
#5 SAP has what all of the other cloud vendors would kill for: unmatched incumbency within all of the world's leading corporations as the supplier of mission-critical business applications that run those companies. It's also fashioned, under CEO Bill McDermott, powerful new partnerships with Amazon and Google to complement its long-standing relationships with IBM and Microsoft, all of which give customers a heightened sense of confidence that SAP will be willing and able to play nice in heterogeneous environments. Plus, SAP's HANA technology is now in full deployment across thousands of businesses, and as it takes root and SAP continues to rationalize its massive product portfolio around HANA in the cloud, SAP has a very bright future ahead of it in the cloud.
So the Cloud Wars are clearly intensifying—particularly among the five most-powerful players at the top—as business customers are fully embracing the cloud as the best and most-capable approach toward digital transformation.
----------by Nagababu


Protecting Your digital files- Keep your information secret with tools

Despite the volume of traffic on the internet, anything you send online is susceptible to hacking. You need to use encryption and not just any kind — the kind that even the fastest computers or networks won't be able to crack. If you have something digital that needs protection, take a look at these tips:

1. Encrypt your files while sharing them : Most of us don't think about this but it is always better to have a file encrypted before we share it with anyone. But the good news is, that this is really simple to do. Just head to a file transfer website that offers an encryption feature or you can opt for an email service that has the option of file encryption. Some options that you can try include,,,, Encrypto, et al.

2. Go for better encryption on cloud : For this, you can opt for a service called Boxcryptor that has support for most cloud storage providers. It also works across all popular desktop and mobile platforms.

3. Keep your emails safer : A service called SendSafely will do this for you. It offers end-to-end encryption so that you can send emails in a more secure manner. You can even use it with services like Gmail and Outlook as an extension. The free version will give you about 50MB per month.

4. Keep your information secret with this tool : There are times when we need to share information like ATM PIN or credit card details with a friend. We give the information because we have to but then get into the process of changing multiple passwords. You can avoid this by using a tool called PrivNote. It lets you send a note that gets deleted as soon as it's read. Furthermore, you can make it even more secure with a password. The service also has an option of sending you an email to notify that your note has been destroyed.

5. Encrypt Gmail : If you use Gmail, you should be aware of a tool called CryptUp - which also comes as a Chrome extension. The tool can be used for end-to-end encryption of your Gmail inbox. When you add the extension, it will add a 'secure compose' button next to the regular compose button in Gmail. You can also encrypt your attachments using it.


Agni 5, India's Longest Range Ballistic Missile, Successfully Test-Fired

First canister-based nuclear-capable ballistic missile Agni-5 test-fired

BALASORE/ODISHA: Marking another milestone in the country's deterrence capability, India today successfully carried out the maiden canister-based trial of its most potent missile Agni-V, which has a strike range of over 5000 kms and can carry a nuclear warhead of over one tonne. 

The missile was launched from a canister mounted on a road-mobile launcher at Wheeler's Island off Odisha coast. The three-stage, solid propellant "missile was test-fired from a mobile launcher from the launch complex-4 of the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at about 8.06 hours," ITR Director M V K V Prasad told PTI.

Missiles of the world: A look at countries' arsenals