


Handwriting is an essential skill for children that have to build into their daily habits as we cannot ignore one as they progressively grow. It is the springboard of success both in school and further in college because it has a positive impact on their grades.
Parenting Tips

Especially in this digital age, where children are learning to tap, swipe, and touch screens before how to hold a pencil. It will be to their academic advantage if they get to understand the significance and the importance of penmanship. The skills of writing neatly and efficiently get often taken as hallmarks of success, good behavior, and self-esteem.
1. Good handwriting is a habit for which seeds of its intentions sown as early as when a child attempts to hold a pencil. Good Handwriting and its practice, implementation in the classrooms are gradually losing its academic importance. 
2. Copywriting books recommended, according to grades, is today no longer a practice followed by school administrators. Jotting down in notebooks the facts and information, taking the dictated notes allotted by the teachers were disappearing as significant learning tools from the classrooms. Teachers today are no longer given any refresher training to upgrade their understanding of the writing skills and helping them to understand the significance if handwriting skills and how to provide the guidance and feedback to the children – related to handwriting culture.
3. Writing by hand has a beneficial correlation to the healthiness of the brain functioning. Writing by hand engages both body and mind and thus make writing a disciplined worthy activity. A practical, disciplined focus on maintaining neat well-formed handwriting helps align the mind and body that allows multiple advantages to the child both in academic performance and self-controlled personality. Parents have to know the clear advantages of better handwriting skills.
4. Bad handwriting is linked to low confidence levels, less academic focus, and lack of interest in accomplishing anything well. Children with poor handwriting will find hard to proofread their written notes. And during the examinations, this situation causes to score poorly in examinations. Good handwriting leads to better grades. It is a standard tendency for the examiners to form an initial impression by examining the handwriting first and content next.
5. In classrooms, handwriting is crucial for writing notes; note taking important aspects clarified by the class teachers. Taking notes by hand in legible, well-formed handwriting improves attention, comprehension, and grades.
6. A good handwriting skill helps the students in their job opportunities. Good writing skill speaks about the personality of an individual and makes it more noticeable to a prospective employer. It assures the employer indirectly to decipher the personality traits by one look at a handwritten resume. Parents if you wish your child to succeed tag on how he is maintaining his handwriting well into his adulthood.
7. Good handwriting is one skill that assures achievement at wherever one works and also guarantees discipline and self-assurance in life.

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